My Garden Blog
A minimal blog to show what vegetables I've grown in my garden these past few years.
I had the pleasure of growing and eating Italian Stripes Zucchini. It is a Summer Squash that has very long, dark green fruit with light green vertical stripes. Called Cocozella di Napoli in the 19th century, it is a compact bush type plant that can be grown in any sunny spot in the garden or in a large container. It was great in sups, sliced and used as pizza toppings , and even as zucchini carpaccio.
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Ronde de Nice Zucchini is a delicious French heirloom zucchini variety. The flesh of this round, green and white zucchini is very tender and fine-flavored, making it an ideal squash for stuffing. The skin is almost white with vertical grooves and white with green spots (at least the ones I've grown). Ronde de Nice Zucchini , grow in quick-growing plants, which can be trellised.
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Eight ball squash, also known as 8-ball squash is a hybrid variety of zucchini. It's round, ranging from quite small to softball-sized, and has striated dark green skin with cream-colored flesh that tastes like nutty Italian zucchini. These are great sliced and grilled and used as a burger topping.
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Midnight Zucchini are extra long and slender zucchini with dark green, almost black coloring. Midnight Zucchini grow in single-stemmed plants that are sturdy and stems have few spines. Plants produce quickly and have good field resistance to disease. The first variety developed on our organic seed farm in Wolcott, Vermont. They taste like any other zucchini and are great to make battered fried zucchini (occasionally an in moderation).
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Crookneck squash, also known as yellow squash are generally harvested immature, when they are less than two inches in diameter. Otherwise, the skin and seeds toughen as it matures. I've grown 2 varieties, one with smooth shiny yellow skin, and the other with bumpy matte yellow skin. Yellow Crookneck squash are great for soups, casseroles and grilling.
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White Zucchini is a zucchini varietal that is has almost white skin. Whilst it's not the shape, it reminds me of Nicaraguan Pipian Squash. I grew these in 2020 from seedlings I found online. They were tasty and I'd definitely grow them again. I made Guiso de Pipian with them, which is a type of Zucchini stew people make in Nicaragua.
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Trombone Squash, Climbing Zucchini or Tromboncino, also known as Zucchetta, is a type of squash most often used as a summer squash. While nearly all summer squash are cultivars of Cucurbita pepo, Tromboncino is a cultivar of Cucurbita moschata. The vining growth habit is similar to many winter squashes, but unlike most other summer squash. The head holds the seeds, so the long neck is pure edible flesh as long as it's harvested before the skin hardens.
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